Google Groups no longer supports new Usenet posts or subscriptions
(too old to reply)
2024-02-23 04:34:36 UTC
Google Groups no longer supports new Usenet posts or subscriptions.
Historical content remains viewable.

An updated web-searchable no-login web-search archive that reports a unique
URL will need to be located that allows people to search before posting to
the r.a.t newsgroup & which allows unique references to recent articles.
You can probably safely remove your Google Groups filters now.
2024-02-23 14:03:34 UTC
Post by Indira
Google Groups no longer supports new Usenet posts or
subscriptions. Historical content remains viewable.
An updated web-searchable no-login web-search archive that
reports a unique
URL will need to be located that allows people to search
before posting to
the r.a.t newsgroup & which allows unique references to
recent articles.

A world without Gurgle is OK with me.
Andrew Muzi
Open every day since 1 April, 1971
2024-02-23 19:52:43 UTC
Post by AMuzi
A world without Gurgle is OK with me.

The people who never searched before posting will say the loss of the
dejanews (which Google took over) Usenet-only search engine (which was
available to everyone with just a web browser, and which only searched
Usenet and which cost nothing which allowed the user to read the entire
thread - not just one post like Howard Knight does - and which allowed
users to reference the post to others who also had only a web browser,
etc) is no big deal (to them!).

But those people who say that are always exactly the people who never
searched before they posted anyway. So they never needed a Usenet search.

If you want to search before you post, then there will probably be new
engines that come up, although none with the retention that Google had.

The Usenet-only replacement search engine needs to be free to all, with
just a browser, not needing an account, and having infinite retention.